Saturday 1 May 2021


SPEECH DELIVERED BY MAJ. GEN. JOHN W. T. GBOR (RTD), APGA PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE 2019, TO A DELEGATION OF MEMBERS OF OODUA YOUTH PARLIAMENT AT THE OCCASION OF THE AWARD OF THE MAYEGUN OF OODUA YOUTH AT THE JOHN GBOR FOUNDATION OFFICE, ON 30TH APRIL 2021. First of all I want to welcome you, members of Oodua Youth Parliament to the office of John Gbor Foundation here in Abuja. I feel highly honored by the presence of this powerful delegation representing the Youths of Oodua Parliament. On behalf of my family and all my well wishers throughout the length and breath of Nigeria, I want to express my profound appreciation to Oodua Youth Parliament for considering me worthy of this very important award as THE MAYEGUN OF OODUA YOUTH. The Mayegun is an upright or conscientious person who makes things right to ensure peaceful co-existence for all. I want all the Odua Youths to know that I am highly delighted to have been awarded THE MAYEGUN OF OODUA YOUTH. The fact that I am not from a South-Western State and yet, I have been singled out from the North-Central by these very intelligent Nigerian youths for the award of Peace among the Oodua Youths is, particularly, very significant to me and I believe, to all my well wishers. I am excited about this award and I wish that all my fellow Nigerians hear about it. Once again, I want to thank you from the bottom of heart for this outstanding award. THE OODUA YOUTHS HAVE DEMONSTRATED A SENSE OF UNITY Very significantly, this action of Oodua Youth Parliament is a clear demonstration of their concern for the unity of Nigeria. To have travelled all the way from the South-West to give an outstanding award to an individual of North-Central origin in Abuja, is a sacrifice for both the unity and the future of our dear country, Nigeria. The Oodua Youth Parliament believed in the unity of Nigeria at the time when many frustrated and disillusioned citizens are advocating the disintegration of the country. The fact that the Oodua Youth Parliament are here to give me an award as a Peace maker is a clear indication that our Youths, the Nigerian Youths believe in the unity of Nigeria as a solid, and one indivisible nation. APPEAL FOR NATIONAL UNITY As the Youths who are in the vanguard of national unity, I appeal to you to join GENERAL JOHN GBOR FOUNDATION in partnership with Patriotic Action Nigeria to work for the unity of our dear country Nigeria. Gen John Gbor Foundation is for Hunger Eradication, Youth Development and Women Empowerment. We work in Partnership with Patriotic Action Nigeria (PAN) as a project of the John Gbor Foundation for the unity, safety and prosperity of Nigeria. Today,Nigeria is badly divided in the midst of an unprecedented high level of insecurity. The youths are the link between the present and future generations. We cannot afford to fail you and neither should you fail yourselves, for your failure means the failure of Nigeria our dear nation. In order to succeed, all Nigerian youths should not see themselves as belonging exclusively to their ethnic group but, inclusively, belonging to Nigeria. In other words, in order for Nigeria to succeed, our youths, the Nigerian youths should not see themselves in terms of ethnicity as Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Ibibio, Fulani, Kanuri, Nupe, Tiv etc, but must see themselves as Nigerian youths. I want to encourage the Oodua Youth Parliament to use their experience to establish Nigerian Youth Parliament as this will go a long way to, forever, cement the unity of Nigeria. In the History of the development of our nation, the Nigerian youths had always played a prominent role. The British conquered and administered the territory they called Nigeria, but the Nigerian educated youths of the 1920s, 1930s and the 1940s were responsible for the existence of Nigeria as one nation even against the wish of the British. In the 1920s the educated Nigerian youths demanded for Nigerian nation. The British colonial government opposed. Sir Hugh Clifford, the Governor of Nigeria made it clear that Nigeria will never be made a nation. He warned that the idea of the Nigerian nation is a no go area. The youths who formed the first nucleus of Nigerian nationalism continued their demand for the Nigerian nation. In 1944 the Nigerian youths of Kings College Lagos invited all Nigerian ethnic groups to Lagos. On 26th August 1944 some 101 different ethnic groups across Nigeria converged in Glover Hall. They agreed that the whole country should form one solid political block and one solid economic block. On that day they unanimously formed the National Council of Nigeria and Cameroon (NCNC). Herbert Macaulay was elected the Chairman and Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe was elected the Secretary. The Party was to seek for the rights and wellbeing of Nigerians. THE BRITISH INTRODUCED REGIONS TO TRUNCATE NIGERIAN NATIONALISM In the 1940s when it became clear that the spirit of Nigerian nationalism was unstoppable, they implored the services of a British Colonial Governor in Jamaica, Sir Arthur Richards, to Nigeria. Sir Arthur Richards was an expert in handling nationalists in the British colonial empire. Sir Arthur Richards wrote a Constitution which divided Nigeria into Western Region, Eastern Region, and Northern Region. The Nigerian nationalists who were unanimous in fighting for Nigerian nationalism began to fight for Western, Eastern and Northern nationalism respectively. We hardly had anyone seriously fighting for Nigerian nationalism. Sir Arthur Richards literally dampened the spirit of Nigerian nationalism. The fight for Regional Nationalism instead of Nigerian Nationalism has dangerously, now metamorphosed into the Ohannaze which fights for the East; Afenifri which fights for the West; and Arewa Consultative Forum which fights for the North. None of these regional organization fights for Nigeria. As long as there is no one fighting for Nigeria, no one should expect security in our homes or on our highways. Similarly, no one is to expect economic prosperity for the wellbeing of all the citizens. Our youths and women will continue to suffer until we give up ethnicity, geo-political divides of North and South and we all will join hands to fight collectively the challenges of Nigeria, our nation. The nation is waiting to reclaim its citizens from the North, the East and the West so that once more it can have sons and daughters who are just Nigerians. Given the human nature which at best is evil, the security of any human society does not come as an accident. If we want security, we must relentlessly plan and work for it. Those who violate the laws must necessarily be corrected. Neither does the prosperity of any given society come by accident. A nation that desires prosperity must work for it and in the process must observe all the necessary regulations. A society whose individuals turn aggressively as scavengers on its monetary and natural resources as we do in Nigeria is, definitely, doomed to fail. Nigerian security and economic development are on the downward trend because we are operating a nation where everyone is for himself and there is hardly anyone for the nation. If we plant corruption we should expect to harvest the evil we have planted. But if, on the other hand, as sincere and honest citizens, we plant honesty and truth, then we should expect to harvest the fruits of the goodness we have planted. The survival of any nation is based on the principle of sustainable development. If we must survive and succeed, we must imbibe the culture of sustainability. The security and economic prosperity of a community do not come to them by accident. We, the Nigerian people, must therefore, plan deliberately for the safety and economic wellbeing of our youths, our women, and our physically challenged citizens. The youths, the women, the physically challenged and all Nigerians, will never fair well until we give up our dangerously entrenched ethnicity, regionalism or the geo-political divides, and begin to face the challenges of our people. We must plan definitely for the people’s security and the economic prosperity for all citizens. We must give up our undue attachment to ethnicity and become, just Nigerians as Americans are just Americans, Canadians are just Canadians and Chinese are just Chinese. We must allow our youths, our women and all our citizens to function collectively as just Nigerians. Once again, I thank you, the members of Oodua Youth Parliament, for the honor. I am looking forward to more opportunities for mutual interactions with you.