Thursday 14 March 2019

Thursday 7 March 2019

Sunday 3 March 2019

Personal Data Of Maj Gen.W.T. Gbor

Maj Gen. Gbor

MY P O L I C Y   D E C L A R A T I O N


My Covenant with Nigerians is based on the precarious state of the nation. There is need for an immediate and informed intervention to arrest further drift that may be more disastrous to our dear nation. In the 1920s and 1930s when Nigeria began to develop as a nation, she was not only the hope of Nigerian citizens, but she was also the hope of the entire black world. Descendants of Africa from other African nations converged on Lagos to lend support to Nigerian nationalists. African Americans from the U.S., the Caribbean, Brazil and other nationalities were in Lagos to support Nigeria, the emerging black people’s nation of Africa. It is unfortunate that after 58 years of independence, we have not only measured up to expectation, but we are a disappointment to ourselves. My Covenant with Nigerians is what I must do to drastically arrest the downward trend, ignited by the citizens’ faithlessness and lack of commitment to the nation.


Fiscal Restructuring: My government shall be committed to the fiscal restructuring of Nigeria. I will pursue vigorously the entrenchment of true federalism that will promote productivity, competitiveness, friendship and cooperation among the Federating Units. The reason Nigeria is suffering unemployment, insecurity, poverty and hunger, and education deficit is largely because the nation has erroneously embarked on the misguided culture of cake sharing. In doing this, the wealth of the nation is concentrated in the hands of the few, who are less than 2% of the population. Cake sharing does not guarantee equitable distribution of wealth and services down to the grassroots where people are. Instead, it promotes high level of corruption which negates the well being of ordinary citizens who have no access to cake sharing.
Reducing the Cost of Governance: The huge cost of governance, both at the Federal and State levels, must be reduced. Nigeria can no longer afford to run recurrent and capital budgets where the bulk of the financing is borrowed. Everybody, including members of the Legislature should be prepared to make some sacrifice. Nigeria’s external debt amounts to $23 billion, while internal debt stands at N22 trillion. It is very unfair to the Nigerian people for the Federal Government to borrow monetary resources and share it among Government Departments for consumption as overhead cost instead of investing in productive ventures to improve the nation’s economic development. My Government shall reduce the cost of governance and plough the savings accruing from these reductions into social investment programs, including Education, Health, Youths, Women, and the Physically Challenged empowerment.


Fairness, Equity and Justice in Governance: The key driver of insecurity is the feeling of injustice and the lack of trust between the aggrieved persons and government. My government will engage all parties to insurgency with a view to addressing all perceived complaints of injustice in order to solve the problem. While we listen attentively with the view to solving the problem, the aggrieved and government must, together, pursue matters with the understanding that must be based on the love and commitment to our dear nation. The love of Nigeria must be the bedrock for discussion by all the participants in the dialogue. Acts of intimidation that betray the love and commitment to the nation must be avoided. While engaging in the dialogue strategy, my government will not yield to any acts of intimidation, but must focus on unveiling the truth of the underlying factors of the perceived injustice in order to bring about an in depth understanding that will lead to a realistic and lasting solution. The love of Nigeria and understanding based on facts will constitute the basis for resolving any grievances.


Clashes between Herders and Farmers: Clashes between the herders and farmers need urgent attention. Continued clashes between the herders and farmers will definitely hurt our economy and our food security. The cattle supply our protein needs, while crop farming supplies our carbohydrate needs. Our economic reconstruction is aimed at accommodating the needs of both herders and farmers. Since our population is on the upward trajectory and will hit the figures of over 400,000,000 people in the next 30 years, it is imperative that we develop a herding and a farming culture that will be beneficial to the survival of Nigeria as a nation, and the culture that will guarantee the wellbeing of all Nigerians regardless of the size of our population. We must also evolve the cultural attitudes that will enable us to understand, tolerate, and trust one another as members of one and indivisible nation. We must put behind us the attitudes of the 19th Century and begin to responsible citizens. We must endeavor to be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers in order to accommodate one another so that, together, we can cope with the collective challenges of the 21st Century.
Pilot Technology Villages: My deep commitment to the advancement of technology in Nigeria will not be compromised. My administration will encourage the development of technology that will hasten rapid productivity and industrialization, generate employment opportunities, promote innovations for industrial development, and enable Nigerians to earn foreign exchange. I will establish three pilot technology villages. One will be located in the Western part of Nigeria to accommodate the youths of the area. One will be established in the East, and another will be established in one of the Northern states. This will be an ambitious program aimed at a deliberate inducement of technological development in Nigeria. Government will invest massively in the infrastructure, equipment and the educational instructors from within and outside the country.


Education: Education is the bedrock of any nation that desires to develop. Without education, there can be no development. I believe in Nigeria and I am confident that with a sound education foundation, Nigeria will develop rapidly to become one of the leading nations in the world. Unfortunately, education which principally develops our children and youths, has always received the minimum percentage of our national budget – and very often, as low as 7%. I also believe that our youths and those who teach them deserve the best. It is my covenant with Nigerian Education Stakeholders that I will engage Education Experts to once and for all set the ball rolling for this most important sector on which all other sectors depend on to succeed. Everything will be done to done to improve Nigeria’s education from Primary to Tertiary levels. My Government is committed to engaging the Stakeholders to the extent that we can achieve the 26% Education budget required by UNESCO. It is not in the interest of our students that the University lecturers continue to go on strike due to negligence on part of Government. We must put an end to the incessant strikes in the Education Sector.


Youths Empowerment: Members of the political class give the youths peanuts and use them to do the dirty jobs for them. Soon after, the youths are abandoned to their own fate, without love and without care. My Government shall empower the youths to become productive and prosperous, so that they can stand on their own feet, to seek national leadership. Empowerment will include creation of employment opportunities as in massive infrastructural development, opening up the agricultural sector through farm mechanization and increased farm inputs, checking the desert encroachment in the northern part of Nigeria through massive tree planting, massive irrigation and setting up ranches, dairy farms and the production of dairy products. We will also endeavour to check marine erosion along the Atlantic coastline.
The NCNC the First and only National Party was Formed by the Youths: In 1944 the Nigerian youths came to Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe and appealed to him to provide leadership that would unite all Nigerian ethnic groups into one solid political block. Encouraged by Dr. Azikiwe, the youths invited Nigerians to Lagos. On 26th August, 1944 representatives of 101 ethnic groups met at Glover Hall in Lagos. The grand alliance led to the establishment of the first Nigerian Council that spoke on behalf of all Nigerians. The Council first named, The Nigerian Council. However, due to the request of three Cameroonian groups, the Bameda Union, the Bakwere, and the Cameroonian Youths League resident in Lagos, on the same day, the Council became known as the National Council of Nigeria and Cameroon (NCNC). Thanks to our Nigerian youths, the Council adopted the cock as its symbol.
The symbolism of the cock is to help us to wake up from our slumber. Herbert Macaulay was elected the first Chairman of the Council, and Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe was elected the first Secretary. This grand alliance of Nigerians which was initiated by Nigerian youths has metamorphosed into the present day All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA). Today, General Gbor is the Presidential Candidate of the Party of the old Grand Alliance of 1944, the Party of early Nigerian nationalists and Patriots; the Party of Engr. Herbert Macaulay; the Party of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe; and the Party of the early Patriotic Nigerian Youths. Our Nigerian youths today are suffering negligence because they have abandoned their first love, the very Political Party they had created to rescue Nigeria from disunity, poverty, and from oppression.
The youths of the 1940s desired realistic unity and progress of Nigeria which they initiated before Eastern, Northern, and Western Regions were created mainly to disorient Nigerians from their spirit of Nationalism and Patriotism. The youths must come back to APGA, pick the Nigerian spirit and give the nation the desired sense of direction. The Cock which became the symbol of NCNC that was formed at the instance of the Nigerian youths is still crowing to arouse all Nigerians to wake up from slumber and to set Nigeria on the path of greatness. That is the mission General Gbor is coming to execute as the President of our dear nation: “To mobilize and motivate our vibrant Nigerian youths to recover the lost Nigerian spirit and collectively, to lead the Nation to its destined direction and greatness.” So help me God!