Tuesday 30 August 2016

Nigerien Diaspora Election And Lessons For African Nations

Nigeriens’ last Presidential election brought a new vista to elections within the African sub-Region being ahead of many nations in the adoption of some innovations .For instance, the process of a new innovation by the government of Niger to ensure inclusiveness of its citizens in the diaspora in governance remains a lesson for many other African nations. Reports PhotoNews’ Terseer Adamu who was at the consular office of Niger Embassy in Abuja and had a chat with the country’s head of Election Commission
The simultaneous processes commenced around 8 a.m. with accreditation of voters and voting with large turn-out of voters at the Niger Republic Consulate office Abuja, venue of the election, security was also very tight as both the Nigerian Policemen and Security operatives from Niger Republic kept vigil.
Interview with the Nigerien Ambassador to Nigeria was granted by the Nigerien Election Commissioner Mr. E. ABDOURAHAMANE. Excerpts from the interview:

Photo News:  your Excellency we like to meet with you sir?
My name is Ambassador ABDOURAHAMANE I am the election commissioner in-charge of diaspora election here in Nigeria , I have been assigned by my government to monitor  the general election going on today in my country Niger  for our citizens here in Nigeria and also conduct election for the diaspora representative seat in the house of parliament of Niger republic.
Photo News: so what is going on outside is an extension of election process covering your citizens in the diaspora?
Yes that is exactly what is taking place, I am here to oversee the conduct of the election and report the outcome and result to the electoral umpire in my country Niger
Photo News: are you saying the outcome of this election has a significant impact on the overall elections in your country?
Yes of course that is why I am here to monitor the conduct of the entire process, because all votes cast here will determine the overall result of the entire election in my country Niger, smore so other countries in Africa and the world at large where they are Nigeriens similar elections covering Nigerien citizens in the diaspora is taking place and the outcome will determine the winner of the election process.
Photo News:  what is your assessment of the election process so far?
The election here is conducted according to our electoral codes and laws of the Republic of Niger, and every process carried-out from accreditation to casting of votes is in tandem with the electoral laws applicable in my country Niger, like I mentioned to you earlier that the outcome of the election has a significant impact on the overall election back home that is why I am here in Nigeria,to ensure that the conduct is credible and fair to all parties involved in the process.
Photo News: you mentioned a diaspora representative seat in your country’s parliament can you shed more light on the process?
Yes I will start by saying the process is a new innovation by my government to ensure inclusiveness of its citizens in the diaspora in governance and also their wellbeing and security, its indeed a new experience, this is how it works; in all the countries of the world there is likely hood you will find Nigeriens so in order for effective representation a seat in the parliament is reserved for a diaspora representative elected by Nigeriens in the diaspora, the elected representative handles matters that concerns citizens of Niger in the Diaspora their welfare, security and also presents bills in favor of citizens in the diaspora .
Photo News:  how is this representative selected for election into the parliament?
In every continent of the world there is likelihood to find Nigeriens there, so interested candidates are drawn from each continent to contest on the platform of the various parties, they are then included in the electoral process where they are voted by citizens in the diaspora as you are witnessing here today in Nigerian federal capital Abuja.
Photo News:  Back to the general elections how do you resolved electoral disputes?
We have had our own fair share of disputes arising from electoral process in the past especially during the military regime but with our electoral reforms that give birth to the electoral codes and laws we have been able to mitigate and bring to barest minimum electoral disputes because elections are conducted in strict conformity with the electoral codes and laws every stakeholder is carried along in the conduct and process of the election from the primaries, accreditation to voting and collating and announcement of results the entire process is transparent .
Photo News: Nigeria’s presidential election witnessed the emergence of an opposition party APC defeating the Ruling PDP are we likely to see same trend in Niger general elections?
General laughter!!!!!! Well to answer your question at this stage of the election process I cannot give a definite answer because it’s too early to predict the outcome of the election however it has happened in my country Niger in the past
Photo News:  was there a peaceful transition as exemplified by Nigeria?
Yes there was a peaceful transition and hopefully if the election plays out a similar scenario like Nigeria’s we will follow the new trend laughs!!!!
Photo News: what is your advice to youths to shun election violence?
so far the election has been without hitches the conduct has been peaceful everyone casting their votes in an orderly manner, I will like to commend the youth for their peaceful conduct the way and manner the election is going on smoothly here in Abuja same way it’s done in Niger too because they are same youths here and back home, but I will like to advice the youth to shun electoral violence and participate actively and if possible seek elective positions in government.
I will also like to use this medium to thank the Nigerian government for their support towards the general elections in Niger as you can observe all the logistic, security and materials are from Nigeria’s government and the Independent Electoral Commission INEC, both countries have shared mutual understanding and bilateral relationship for decades we appreciate the effort of the government of Nigeria and we look forward to more mutual collaborations in the future. Thank you.

I Will Carry Out My Legislative Duties With The Fear Of God- John Adam Okloho

John Adam Okloho is member representing Adoka/Ogboju in the Benue State House of Assembly.  He is the House Committee Chairman on appropriation a lawyer by profession and an evangelist. He spoke to Photonews recently on his responsibilities in the house, how he combines his legislative duties while still evangelising. Excerpts:
You have been appointed to chair the standing committee on Appropriation how has it been like?
The word appropriation is gotten from proper. What is proper in terms of tabulation of funds to various areas of Government or what is proper in terms of sharing allocations; what in a department or ministry need so that the work in various areas of Government will be properly exulted. The word appropriation is a very big area of any administration because every administration must appropriately allocate fund of the state but it is not properly allocated they will be crises in the system, so I know the duties that have been assigned is a very cumber some one that I believe with the knowledge I have in the private sector I will be able to carry it out effectively. As the chairman appropriation committee in Benue State House of Assembly I believe that I will do something that the state would know that I have come here to see and to equally deliver.
You are Lawyer by profession and it appears you still actively practice the law. Now that you are a legislature, how will your still contribute usefully to the constituency you represent? 
As a lawyer and with private practice experience of about 13 years, I know the aspiration and yearnings of individuals. I know what causes crises in their life before they even approach me. Some crises are legal, some are administrative, some are personal some are public problems and I have faced this for 13 years.  This has prepared me sufficient enough to carry the burdens of my people. (1) because as a lawyer I should know what the people need as a lawyer dealing with people I should know what they desire I should know what they expect of me and to made it worst, those who were representing my people have not done well. I stand to be corrected. Some tried but they have not done well and therefore they were so many things that they require,  they require the infrastructures, they require proper representation of their interest in Benue State House of Assembly and visibility in this government, so I am prepared as a lawyer and having acquired this skill on how to lobby, of how to relate with people, how to approach people, of how to ask people questions, I believe I will be representing them properly in the dispensation that after four years they will not have cause to regret taking me to the Benue State House of Assembly.
Do you think your constituents and indeed the state has begun to feel the impact of your representation considering that some progress has been made politically within the last one year of this dispensation?
I will say yes, because we know how things were  when we came in, we came in when everything broke down administratively, we came when the state was faced with a lot of debts and we are trying to sort it out. For instance the bailout fund the Executive Governor collected from the federal government, It is not our will to approve it, it is not his will to be going out for loans either but we saw that the previous government left behind so much debts and the people of Benue State were almost back to square one, some  people were dying of hunger poverty, the whole system collapsed, and that is why we are doing all we  can to make sure that the state comes back to live again so I can say there is progress. In the last one year of the administration, there is development because people now have peace. Previously these things tormented people everywhere there was political killing here and there but now we have our peace. People  are moving about normal, that is number one objectives that people have peace and more about of any government that is in power, it must project this, that people have peace and move about with their businesses  without any fear,  to me there  is change and we have improve to a certain level. We are expecting to do more and we will do more by God Grace.
To what extent would you say the states’ Economic development has been in the last one year?
There is political development. There is a change mantra that is going on. So, politically there progress.  There are even occurrences here and there that suggest there has been a shift. That I am here today means there is some shift in the in the system because I came in through political process, a situation that brought me here through election and these are political procedures that who are in government, so politically with these change. Elections was conducted peacefully they was exchange of batten of power in Benue State that was done peacefully so that is political development also we are seeing some of the things that have been abandoned in  the system because of these political change life is coming up in them again. The school were closed for one reason or the other politically, but today there are in the schools now the University, other high institutions, secondary schools as well as the primary schools. Teachers are been paid so these are political changes and they bring development and the political change has brought a change for everybody so politically we have done well.
You were taken to court by your main challenger in the elections after your victory to represent your constituency, what is our approach in resolving conflict?
I did conflict resolution as a lawyer and as an evangelist, the Bible says make peace before somebody take you to court or to those who will preside over your affairs. Based on these, after the elections or before the election we met during our electioneering on several occasions and I will embrace my opponent, he took me to court because he assumed he lost through irregularities and that is the best place or some on to go they were several elders in my place who approach him said look don’t take these matter to court we have made our choice and he is the one that will represent us now you have had your own time, but he refused I know persons who approached the family and talked to the elders of his family but, Joshua Ogbole refused to harken to the voice of the elders and continued with the case in the court and on the  21st October 2015, the court ruled that my elections was devoid of any irregularities of any kind and with that today I am calling him to come and support me, he is my younger brother. I know his future is still bright for him.  There is still so much for him and even in the political system he has  to learn and I know his future is still bright so am appealing to him using these medium that he should please join me to help our people and make them go forward to develop our place so that if those who will also came tomorrow can they will know that we were here we did the best we can so the conflict resolution skill that I equal as a lawyer I use it and practice it to a very high level in these matter but this is the way God want it and I got my victory retained or upheld by the court of law. I believe, I have done well in this system but today am appealing to him to come.
How would you describe yourself?
I am a child of God, I am a lawyer, I am a humble person, and I am a diligent person. A disciplined person, I dedicate myself to anything that is given to me by God and by humanity. Whatever that is assigned to me I will make sure not to disappoint those who assigned it to me. I am Frank, I hate gossip, when even I stand to contribute I am always frank, bold because I say it with the best of knowledge I have. I wish others to progress; if others around you progress you have peace you are better off so therefore I want these Government to see it like that. That we are here to make people better that is how I am and am prepared to listen to anybody on earth, I accept everybody, I don’t care the tribe or religion as the propagator of the word of God I love people and without people you won’t be where you are and I love Benue State.
I came back from Vienna Austria where I was attending International Bar Association, I saw the city of Vienna as lovely and beautify, I want the cities of Nigeria at large to be as good as Vienna we must love ourselves we must do thing in public as if we are doing in private because by the time wel sustain the things we do in the private office, the government will do well, and in Benue we are far behind and so we need to catch up with other people who have gone ahead of us because we have all it takes, for example, the mineral resources and human resources to be a great state among others in Nigeria.
Best moment?
When I got married to my lovely wife

Monday 29 August 2016

The Issue Of Nigeria's Corruption Is Pathetic

The issue of Nigeria’s corruption is pathetic. Nigerians are neither too highly nor too lowly placed to steal government monetary resources. Nigeria’s money is for the taking so that no one is neither too little nor too big to steal. People fight for National position in order to position themselves strategically to access the nation’s monetary resources to commandeer as much as they are able to see, for what you see is yours to take. To perfect in the corruption which has become a very lucrative business, Nigerians have deliberately distorted what the British put in place as a system or the standard way of operating government. This distortion has left us to be operating a system-less system in a supposedly, a decent Nigerian nation that has been rendered helpless to become a nation-less nation. Those who have distorted the system and made Nigeria a nation-less nation believe that what exists, perhaps as “a geographical expression” is only there to serve their personal interest. They cannot pause for a second to think of the numerous youths we have in all parts of the country, and neither do they ever think of the well being of future generations of Nigerians.

To this category of Nigerians, who indeed are in the majority, Nigeria exists only as a nation where those of them who have access to the nation’s wealth through appointment are the chosen ones by God to help themselves as much as possible at the expense of the unfortunate and poor citizens without appointments.

Nigerians steal great amounts of the nation’s wealth without any feeling of guilt. This is understood because to them they are not doing anything wrong. They are only conforming exactly with what Nigeria was designed for (to share, to take, and to steal). This is the predicament of a nation without soul. The truncation of Nigerian nationalism by the Richards Constitution in 1946 made the center of Nigeria unattractive. People came from the Regions to the centre only to take whatever they could to their respective Regions. This culture of taking and sharing degenerated into the outright stealing for self gratification. Those involved in the misappropriation of the nation’s wealth feel that stealing government resources is not a big deal. Unfortunately, all of them are highly positioned men and women of the national society. Those who successfully steal from the common goods of the society are congratulated, hailed and worshipped as heroes.

Money Bills Passed By The Benue 8th Assembly Were Meant To Positively Impact The People- BT Adanyi

BT. Adanyi is a lawyer by profession and currently elected for a second time to represent the people of Makurdi South in the Benue State House of Assembly. He is also the majority leader of the 8th Assembly, a position he ascribes to the grace of God and the pleasure of his distinguished colleagues in the House. He spoke to PhotoNews exclusively on his preparedness for his duties in the House and some bills passed by the House since its inauguration. Excerpts:
Photo News: Part of the duties of the majority leader includes speaking coherently to guide the House’ proceeding, how did your training as a lawyer and your several years of practice as a solicitor prepare you for your present responsibilities as a majority leader?
Hon. B.T Adanyi: I will like first of all to start by saying that, I have been a lawyer of course is an added advantage for me to discharge the functions of the parliamentarian but having said that i must be quick to add that you necessary do not have to be a lawyer for you to be able to represent your people, the most important thing is i have been able to canvass for them appropriately on the floor of the assembly, i can’t  deny that the work of a parliamentarian is basically to make laws as it is constitutionally enshrined in the constitution and if you come from a profession that also deals with the interpretation of laws and making of laws is also an added advantage but if you look at my resume you will agree with me that i have had course to hang around parliament for a very long time, i was for four years the legislative assistance to distinguished senator J K N Waku in the 5th Senate and was there for four years i had the privilege of preparing motions, i had the privilege of preparing bills i had the privilege of doing lots of research work for him, so we were the persons that were the think tank if you like to call it that, we ensured that he had a wonderful outing legislatively and of course, you can also recall that thereafter i had a rare privilege of also serving again as a legislative assistant this time around to a very distinguished personality, two-times Governor of Benue State and Senator representing Benue zone B Senatorial District, Dr. George Akume. I had the privilege of seen legislative work in practice, i was also the part of that process by doing the same functions that ordinarily a legislative officer should do so all that part of cognate experience of course certainly prepared me for what i had to do in the assembly. It was a combination of both, for the law experience and my professional calling have all added up to provide for me the needed experience to be able to discharge my function creditably and i want to believe that am going to do that.
Photo News: As a ranking member of the Benue State House of Assembly how will you assess the progress made so far by 8th assembly?
Hon. B.T Adanyi: So far so good, this Assembly is made up of technocrats, professionals of various fields and the fact that we have kick started on a very wonderful note taming whatever disagreement we had, the process of trying to choose members of the leadership into a peaceful house is also indeed an achievement.
You can also recall the Senate leadership crises that have not gone very well with that arm of Government. Benue state 8th Assembly almost had a similar scenario and situation, because the APC that produced the speaker was supposedly the minority party in the house at that time but we were able to come together and elect a leadership. The House has produced a leadership even to the admiration of the opposition members that’s the PDP of course they are, because for the decamping of Hon. Nick Eworo, representing the people of Obi state constituency. We have done this successfully without crises, without rancour.
The 8th Assembly has also passed lots of money bills. 1st bill, was to upset salaries that were accrued, the 2nd was in relation to the 5billion that was supposed to be used as counterpart funding  so as to attract development agencies, and the 3rd was 28billion which was a bail out from the federal Govt to states that had salaries crises .
These were money bills that were very important bills that came before us, have been presented, we have deliberated and given parliamentarian approval for Government to proceed to borrow certain amount of money which  we think are very important to impact positively on the life of the people.
Unfortunately certain persons feel, the Assembly has been too gracious and forth coming when it comes to approvals of money bills. This we have done bearing in mind that, the state must move on, if you look at the depth burden this state was into, like unpaid salaries, imagine the University strikes every now and then, it all comes down to non payment of salaries, so this approvals were given for the work force and human resources so we can move this state forward.